Use tip: At first, you'll have to install Pulse-Xpackage. Here's the installation tip.
Pulse-X gives you full control of Future data with PulseXFutureViewModel, PulseXFutureBuilder, PulseXState and PulseXReactions.
PulseXFutureViewModel gives you features such as api handling, api data state control and business logic which are separated from UI.
PulseXFutureBuilder makes UI reactive. It takes view model and builder function as parameters. You can show various widgets based on Future State which can be called via viewModel.status.
PulseXState is a simple class that has four states - initial,loading, loaded,error. You can control each of them.
PulsXeReactions are side effects inspired from Mobx state management. In Pulse, you can only use side effects with Future data. 🥲
After that, create a concrete service class that extends ApiService class.
constint okStatusCode =200;constint notFoundStatusCode =404;classPostServiceextendsApiService {@overrideFuture<List<Post>> getPosts() async {try { http.Response res =await client.get(postUrl);if (res.statusCode == okStatusCode) {dynamic data = res.body asdynamic;final jsonData =jsonDecode(data);List<dynamic> list = jsonData['posts'] asList<dynamic>;List<Post> posts = [];for (dynamic d in list) { posts.add(Post.fromJson(d)); }return posts; } elseif (res.statusCode == notFoundStatusCode) {throwException('Data not found!'); }throwException('Something went wrong!'); } onHttpExceptioncatch (ex) {throwconstHttpException('No internet connection!'); } catch (ex) {rethrow; } }}
Now, you are ready to create View Model that extends PulseXFutureViewModel.
classPostViewModelextendsPulseXFutureViewModel {finalApiService service;PostViewModel({required this.service});@overridevoidonInit() { super.onInit();_fetchPosts(); }void_fetchPosts() async {changeState(PulseXState.loading()); // set state to loadingtry {List<Post> posts =await service.getPosts(); // fetch datachangeState(PulseXState.loaded( posts, )); // set state to success and pass the data } catch (ex) {changeState(PulseXState.error(ex.toString())); // set state to error and return error message } }}
In UI, you have to take care of two things - reactions and future data. First I'll extract widgets as classes to be clear.
Here, I'll show you one thing. If you don't wanna pass your ViewModel down the widget tree, Pulse-X provides you with PulseXStateManager.of<YourViewModel>(context) method.